About Shamus Toomey

Motoring Interests
Having grown up with French cars (with a particular fondness for the Peugeot 505, 405 and 205), Shamus is now a (tragic) owner of various Land Rovers (with room for more), and member of the Land Rover Owners’ Club of NSW. Interests in motoring extend to all marques but with a particular fascination with Land Rover, Rolls-Royce and Bentley, and also an associate (sadly, non-owning) member of the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club of Australia (NSW).
Studied law and ancient history (including a year of honours) before practising law focussing on litigation and disputes in private practice, primarily in a large national firm for over a decade, and now as a senior member of an in-house legal team for a large financial services company. Actively involved in church and a for many years a volunteer in his local primary school’s P&C Association. Member of Automotive Historians Australia.

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