To each of our valued Supporters and Patrons
You can now have your AMHF wall calendar for 2024, featuring twelve of the best of Brian Caldersmith’s excellent illustrations of classic and heritage vehicles and some notable people associated with them. Get yours while stocks last! Just go to our website to buy it for very little money.

Brian’s great photo of your AMHF after dark has an EV in the foreground. It can imply the heritage and classic movement, of which we are now a part, has one eye firmly on the future. My Volvo EV was made in China although designed in Europe and has features and performance which can make it a worthy candidate for status as a future classic. We can say that also about many competing new EVs from South Korea in particular, and we ignore them at our peril.
The Historic Sports & Racing Car Association (HSRCA) and Shannons are among our first and very active Partners. The HSRCA’s 2023 Summer Festival supported by Shannons is to be held at our home base, Sydney Motorsport Park on 25 – 26 November. The Group S Enduro (Dawson-Damer Trophy) will be a feature and the early modern regularity event will be a first for this year. And your AMHF will be there in support, you can visit our people and chat about your interests and our activities at our on-site place in pit row. Our staunch supporters from Singapore, Eli Solomon and Dr Daljit Singh will be with us again, Eli to share the action with Geoff Piggott’s MG ARA ‘Aussie Special’.
Peter Robinson, one of your AMHF’s Directors and Founders, will be the after-dinner speaker at the HSRCA’s Annual General Meeting at the Denistone Club on Wednesday 15th November. Robbo will be interviewed by our Brian Caldersmith…. a Life Member of the HSRCA. It bears repeating that Robbo has a great reputation and ability in the world of motoring journalism and has been a long-time editor of magazines including both Wheels and Autocar; he is ‘a fearless opinion-maker on all sorts of cars’ … and that includes EVs! We will be listening with bated breath.
Hugh King
November 2023