To each of our valued Supporters and Patrons
This month the Australian Motorsport Innovation Precinct (the ‘AMIP’) takes a bow, a major new development by the ARDC at Sydney Motorsport Park to be officially opened. Your Foundation is deeply committed as a Collaboration Partner of the ARDC’s AMIP. Our home building is physically close to the new AMIP building beside the Grandstand. We are well located at the entry point to the easterly zone of the AMIP and will provide the connections of the innovations of the past with the innovations of the future being developed at the new AMIP.

Following the success of our first Fireside Chat in June, when Peter Robinson’s conversation with Colin Bond was so riveting, we are planning to continue with events in that format. Future similar events will be able to take place at the new AMIP facilities which has fantastic spaces for such events. Part of our task now is to get all such oral history on the record and made accessible to all our supporters over time.
Our milestone project for 2023 is our nation-wide economic survey of the heritage and classic motoring movement across Australia. The Study Committee led by Director Tom Wheelwright has guided the process with great support from very generous donors.
This task is well under way now, the clubs have been indispensable in getting the survey forms into your email boxes. It seems we will create a highly credible, meaningful and independent report on the economic value of the Australian motoring enthusiast community. We should have this accessible for distribution by the end of the year.
This economic impact has not been measured before. These are difficult times, the survey report will be a welcome tool for motoring clubs and supporters across Australia.
Our important partner, the Council of Motor Clubs NSW, is renowned for staging the major Shannons Classic Day annually at Sydney Motorsport Park, and this year it is on again, as good as ever on 20 August. The AMHF is looking forward to participating and you will be able to meet us in the first four Pit Garages near the dummy grid. Come have a chat with us, please. See the surplus books, magazines and race programs you can buy at bargain prices, or learn about our Volunteers’ work in our AMHF building opposite the pits.
Hugh King
August 2023