To each of our valued Supporters and Patrons
One of our great Partners at Sydney Motorsport Park is the Re-Engineering Australia Foundation The founder and Chairman is Dr Michael Myers OAM. His family connections with the motoring scene and the ARDC itself go back to the very origins of that strong club.
The REA conducts the ‘F1 in Schools’ Australian competition, a strong and popular program to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills at secondary school level across Australia and internationally. Personal transformation, inspiring career pathways and industry placements have been some of the great outcomes over 25 years of the REA’s innovative programs.
This month saw the judging of the NSW State Finals of the ‘F1 in Schools’ program for 2023 conducted both at Sydney Motorsport Park and remotely. The judges included volunteers from the AMHF one of whom was Geoff Piggott, our Chief Operating Officer who gave us a quotable quote — ‘The finals were very exciting, close and the whole event went off very well and it was fantastic to see what these young secondary school kids can achieve, their passion and the way they presented and conducted themselves. Gives me a lot of hope for the future of the country!!’

The Australian Finals of the F1 in Schools will take place in Adelaide next March ahead of the World Finals. Earlier 2023, the World Finals were held in Singapore around the same time as the Singapore F1 Grand Prix where an Australian team came a very close second amongst stiff competition from teams around the world.
Also this month, the ARDC contractors have been completing their work in the vicinity of our home building and the results are beginning to be felt. The new boundary fencing is smart and secure. Our nearby vehicle gate with remote key-fob operation and voice communication will mean easier secure entry. Check out our website to see videos, news, upcoming events and articles.
And do consider coming to join our vital Volunteer group in making our Foundation to continue to move forward.
Hugh King
October 2023