To each of our valued Supporters and Patrons
This month we have seen a marvellous response to our survey questionnaire on the economic impact or value of the nation’s classic and heritage sector to the national economy. The message is that the supporters have been waiting for such an initiative and want to participate in getting it done.
The survey period ends on 30 September and the analysis from our independent expert agency Mercurius is targeted for release by the end of the year. The great number and spread of the responses make for a great outcome. It is clear we will see a highly credible set of findings, with big numbers likely to surprise some of us.
The motoring clubs in each state have been our strong allies in getting us to this point. Their involvement drew in the very high number of respondents across a wide range of vehicles (including motorcycles) and demographic spectrum of enthusiasts. Our unique report will come to them all soon, setting out the value of all the economic inputs generated by our enthusiasts. The independent expert analysis we provide will add new weight to many discussions and proposals regarding the future maintenance and use of enthusiast vehicles in these changing times.
So, our report will be a new spanner in the toolboxes of our supporters and motor clubs as they continue to evolve and to grow. Your Foundation will own it, but we will not be lobbying for change on the basis of it. The report will be a public document for our donors and supporters to see, to discuss and to use appropriately.
Also, we must congratulate Shannons and our strong and generous Partner, the Council of Motor Clubs NSW on the success of the Shannons Sydney Classic on 22 August – a marvellous gathering, so well organised as always, and it was our great pleasure to actively support it with a display and information centre prominent in pit row.

Following its official opening, our Partner the ARDC, has been working this month on other infrastructure around the new AMIP (or Australian Motorsport Innovation Precinct) and our nearby AMHF Building.
The whole area is being made very user-friendly for our supporters when they visit.
We need new Volunteers, as always. Please talk with us soon and consider what skills and time you can contribute now. Join the crew and learn more about your Foundation’s special resources.
Hugh King
September 2023