AINTREE DOWN UNDER Warwick Farm and the Golden Age of Australian Motor Sport
I cannot recommend this book too highly; Andrew Moore, as well as being a keen enthusiast, is also an adjunct professor at Western Sydney University where he taught Australian History […]
RACE ACROSS THE WORLD – The Incredible Story of the World’s Greatest Road Race
Another superb book in our growing library on Australia’s motor heritage, this new tome is an authoritative insider’s account of an unrepeatable event that went …
Hal Moloney, Long Distance Trials in Australia by Car,Plane & Motor Cycle
This is an iceberg of a book. That is to say there is much more below the surface than above. Thirty years of research has produced an authoritative reference work […]
Kings of the Road and The Land Cruiser Legend
Two notable long-time Australian ‘muttering rotters’ (was that Bill Tuckey’s aphorism? – he was a great Australian motoring writer also) have worked up a pithy and personal list of their own hit parade of our motor heritage …
This review is an extract from the excellent club magazine produced by the the Jowett Car Club of Australia Inc. It was written by the editor, Ron Withington. “It is […]
This is a slim (soft cover,176 page) self-published volume that excellently fills a gap in the knowledge of Australia’s motor heritage. The author Russell Hall …
BUSH MECHANICS – The Exhibition
The original documentary Bush Mechanics was screened by our ABC in 1999 and then developed into a series of four episodes, also on the ABC …